Unlock the Power of Custom Labels for Your Google Shopping Feed with AutoFeed

Google Shopping campaigns allow online businesses to showcase their products to potential customers who are looking for similar items. To maximize the potential of these campaigns, it is essential to optimize your product feed using custom labels. One such powerful tool to achieve this is AutoFeed.

In this article, we will explore the various aspects of using AutoFeed to optimize your Google Shopping Feed, and discuss how it can help you achieve better results in your advertising campaigns.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Google Shopping Feed

  2. The Importance of Custom Labels

  3. AutoFeed: A Game Changer for Shopify Users

  4. 10 Key Custom Label Strategies for Your Google Shopping Feed

  5. Best Practices for Bidding with Custom Labels

  6. Setting Up AutoFeed for Your Shopify Store for Custom Labels

  7. Optimizing Your Feed with AutoFeed

  8. Leveraging AutoFeed for Seasonal Campaigns

  9. Monitoring and Analyzing AutoFeed Performance

  10. Conclusion

Introduction to Google Shopping Feed

A Google Shopping Feed is a collection of product information that is submitted to the Google Merchant Center. This data is then used to display products in Google Shopping ads, which appear on the Google search results page when users search for related products.

The feed consists of various attributes, such as product ID, title, description, price, and availability. These attributes are essential for Google to understand your products and show them to the right audience. A well-optimized feed ensures that your products are displayed more prominently on the search results page, leading to higher visibility and ultimately more conversions.

The Importance of Custom Labels

Custom labels are an essential element of your Google Shopping Feed, as they allow you to segment your products based on criteria that are important to your business. By using custom labels, you can group products together based on factors such as price, margin, seasonality, or promotional status. This enables you to implement different bidding strategies for each group, ensuring that your ad spend is allocated more effectively.

In essence, custom labels give you more control over your Google Shopping campaigns, allowing you to stay competitive, run experiments, and highlight sales or promotions.

AutoFeed: A Game Changer for Shopify Users

For Shopify store owners, managing and optimizing their Google Shopping Feed can be a time-consuming process. That's where AutoFeed comes in. AutoFeed is a powerful tool that simplifies the process and one benefit is that it can apply custom labels to your feed.

AutoFeed allows Shopify users to easily apply custom labels to their feed, making it easier than ever to optimize your Google Shopping campaigns. By automating the process of applying custom labels, AutoFeed saves you time and ensures that your campaigns are always up-to-date and optimized for maximum results.

10 Key Custom Label Strategies for Your Google Shopping Feed

  1. Sales, Clearance, and Promotions: By isolating items on sale or clearance, you can bid higher on them to increase their visibility and boost sales. This strategy can also be useful for promoting entry-level products or seasonal promotions.

  2. Price Point: Segment your products based on price to optimize your bids for high-end or low-medium priced items. You can also create price brackets to further refine your bidding strategy.

  3. Price Rank: Compare your product prices to those of your competitors and adjust your bidding strategy accordingly. Use price comparison tools like Price Watch to import competitor data and create custom labels based on price rank.

  4. Margin: Identify high-margin products and prioritize them with higher bids. This strategy can help improve your overall return on ad spend (ROAS) and drive revenue growth.

  5. Performance: Segment your best-selling products and increase bids on them to boost visibility and sales. Be sure to monitor the performance of these products to ensure profitability.

  6. Season: Segment your seasonal items to optimize bids for products that are more likely to sell during specific times of the year. This can help you allocate your ad budget more effectively and improve overall campaign performance.

  7. Shipping: Segment your products based on different shipping options, such as free shipping, drop shipping, or standard shipping. This allows you to optimize bids for products with more attractive shipping offers.

  8. Product Type: Group your products by type, such as material, color, or style, to differentiate bidding strategies and improve campaign performance.

  9. Gender: Segment your products based on gender to create targeted campaigns for specific demographics. This can help you optimize bids and improve overall campaign performance.

  10. Size: Group your products by size to optimize bids for items that sell better in specific size ranges.

Best Practices for Bidding with Custom Labels

By segmenting your products using custom labels, you can implement different bidding strategies based on the performance and characteristics of each group. Here are some best practices for bidding with custom labels:

  • Bid more aggressively on best-selling and seasonal products: These products are more likely to convert, so it makes sense to allocate a higher budget to them.

  • Be more competitive on high-value/high-margin products: By bidding higher on these products, you can improve visibility and increase the chances of generating more revenue.

  • Be less competitive on products with missing or wrong attributes: Products with poor-quality data or missing information are less likely to convert. By lowering bids on these items, you can allocate your ad budget more effectively.

  • Track performance on a product-group level: Use reporting at the product group level to analyze performance and make data-driven decisions about your bidding strategies.

Setting Up AutoFeed for Your Shopify Store for Custom Labels

To get started with AutoFeed, follow these simple steps:

  1. Install the AutoFeed app on your Shopify store.

  2. Make sure you have added tags to your products using the product edit page in Shopify. Get into the habit of adding tags such as high or low margin, gender, size etc as this makes it really easy to group them to a label when needed.

  3. Choose the custom labels you want to apply to your feed.

  4. Configure the rules for each custom label, such as price range, margin, or seasonality.

  5. Sync your feed with Merchant Center to ensure that your custom labels are applied correctly.

In the AutoFeed app you can scroll down to the custom label section write the label text you want to use and then use either tags or collections to add a sub-set of products to that label, you can add up to 5 custom labels, each with their own sub-set of products.

The custom label section in AutoFeed above.

The key for this to work is to implement tags on your products so you can easily group them together.

Optimizing Your Feed with AutoFeed

Once you have set up AutoFeed for your Shopify store, you can begin optimizing your Google Shopping Feed using custom labels. Here are some tips for getting the most out of AutoFeed:

  • Test different custom label strategies: Experiment with different custom label rules to see which ones have the most significant impact on your campaign performance.

  • Monitor your feed regularly: Stay up-to-date with your feed's performance and make adjustments as needed to keep your campaigns optimized.

  • Optimize your product data: Ensure that your product data is accurate and up-to-date to improve the overall quality of your feed.

Leveraging AutoFeed for Seasonal Campaigns

Custom labels can be particularly useful for managing seasonal campaigns. By using custom labels to segment your products based on seasonality, you can optimize your bids for products that are more likely to sell during specific times of the year. This can help you allocate your ad budget more effectively and improve overall campaign performance.

For example, you might want to increase bids on swimwear during the summer months, while decreasing bids on winter coats. AutoFeed makes it easy to adjust your bids based on seasonality, ensuring that your campaigns are always optimized for maximum results.

Monitoring and Analyzing Feed Performance

To ensure that your AutoFeed campaigns are delivering the best possible results, it's essential to monitor and analyze their performance regularly. By using reporting tools available in Google Ads and Google Analytics, you can track key metrics such as clicks, impressions, conversions, and ROAS.

By regularly reviewing these metrics, you can identify trends and areas for improvement, allowing you to optimize your campaign performance and maximize your return on investment.


AutoFeed is a powerful tool that can help you take your Google Shopping campaigns to the next level. By simplifying the process of applying custom labels to your feed, AutoFeed allows you to optimize your campaigns more effectively, boosting visibility, conversions, and overall campaign performance.

With the right custom label strategies in place, you can leverage the full potential of AutoFeed to drive better results for your Shopify store. So, start using AutoFeed today and unlock the power of custom labels for your Google Shopping Feed.

Find out more about AutoFeed here


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